A comprehensive list of Alternative Medicine colleges and universities in Warwick England, that offer courses and programs in Alternative Medicine at various levels.

Alternative Medicine Colleges in Warwick

The University of Warwick - Wellesbourne
Wellesbourne - CV35 9EF
Phone: 024 7657 4455
Fax: 024 7657 4500

Affiliated to: The University of Warwick

Accredited by: IET (The Institution of Engineering and Technology)

Under Graduation
Teaching, Education, Alternative Medicine, Film, Acting & Modelling, Computer Applications, Language, Computers, Arts, Banking & Finance, Law, Management, Fine Arts, Civil Services, Medical Science, Commerce, Science, Engineering

Post Graduation
Fine Arts, Medical Science, Commerce, Health Care Services, Mass Communication, Science, Engineering, Teaching, Education, Alternative Medicine, Film, Acting & Modelling, Computer Applications, Language, Computers, Arts, Banking & Finance, MBA, Law, Management

Language, Computers, Arts, Banking & Finance, Law, Management, Commerce, Health Care Services, Science, Engineering, Education, Alternative Medicine, Film, Acting & Modelling

PG Diploma
Language, Arts, Banking & Finance, Management, Science

Send Enquiry to The University of Warwick - Wellesbourne

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